Italian Cooking Art is a project arising from a great passion for food and wine, the aim of which is to promote the territory along with its
traditions, history and art. In addition to offering cooking classes, Italian Cooking Art also sets out to promote the Italian region of Emilia Romagna – and beyond – in all its areas of excellence, from its  cuisine to its traditions, locations and art.
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With us you can relax, cook, discover fascinating places, and take a unique culinary journey

Italy cooking classes

The best cuisine in the world according to Forbe

Ask an Italian where you eat the best food in Italy, and the answer is always the same: “Eh”, he will say, “at my mamma’s!” – with an undertone of, “how can you even ask”.
But if you take the conversation onto a regional level, the answer will most likely be, “Emilia-Romagna”, that magnificent region in the centre-north of Italy that lies in the fertile Po Valley.

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